Wednesday 31 October 2012

A Great Success!

Our first weekend back at agility competitions and it was a great success! I guess I had nothing to worry about, Spryte is back to her old self again.  Well actually I think she is even more wound up at a trial than before.  Standing at the start line I always have my dogs sit in heal position before leading out.  Well Spryte would bounce and bark at me 4 or 5 times in a row before finally placing her bum on the ground.  She was just so excited to be back in the game.  From the way her line up behaviours started, I figured her rounds would be wild and out of control.  But the training stuck and every round she was attentive, her handling was bang on and she didn't blow a contact all weekend.  I was so thrilled.  Both Shelties Q'd 6/8 runs.  Spryte had a masters jumpers run that was 6.17 yards per second.  She was smokin!  The courses were really nice and they all flowed well.  Strider also earned his expert jumpers bronze and expert snooker bronze titles.

I have no videos to post. I have gotten a little superstitious about videoing my rounds. It seems when I video they don't go as planned, but when I don't video we Q more than we NQ.  So for now I will probably have no videos to post for a while, until I get over my little superstitious behaviour.

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