Last weekend at the agility trial a mud puddle formed right in front of the entry door to the arena. I went out to potty Spryte, not really paying attention to my dog, just assuming she would be right beside me. Next thing I know I hit the end of the leash and stumble forward, I turn around to see Spryte with her heels dug into the mud, absolutely refusing to take one more step. It was like being on the end of a horse lead, with the horse rearing up and backing quickly away. Who knew a 20 pound dog could have so much strength?!. Absolutely no amount of coaxing or leash pressure could convince Spryte to muddy her precious little paws. So like a good little servant, I picked up my princess and carried her across the abyss.
Princess Spryte made another appearance today. I took her out herding, and with the plus 10 heat wave we've been having, the farm was a sloppy mess. I took her out of her kennel in the car, placed her on the ground and began to walk towards the round pen. Well just like last weekend, the bucking horse appeared and we're dodging mud puddles left, right and center. With some annoyed "lets go" from me and a bit of dragging, we finally end up at our destination. At this point I'm just hoping that the lure of the sheep will distract her highness from the displeasure of muddy feet.

Cute photo of the crowned princess.