Wednesday, 24 December 2014

31 days old

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Spark, Spryte and Strider!

Paul and I made the puppies a mini tire jump for the puppy pen.  They think it is a great chew toy, as well as something fun to crawl over and jump through.
  I have also started to handle toes, ears, teeth and brush the puppies while they sit on my lap.  Lots of little exams now will help make them tolerant of grooming, and exams as adult dogs.

Syrah leaping through the tire

Ries chewing on the tire


Zin wrestling with the pee pad



l-r: Fizz, Zin, Syrah, Ries

Syrah cleaning up the crumbs

Merlot giving Spark kisses

Merlot and Fizz

Syrah chewing on Fizz's ear



Merlot and Fizz


Ries jumping through the hoop & puppies playing

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