Spark turned 12 weeks old yesterday! She received her second set of vaccinations on Tuesday and we got the green light to start more serious socialization.
So now Spark has been busy experiencing the world outside her home. We have visited the Shawnessy C-Train station, and we have stood outside both Micheals and Superstore. We hung out and watched all the people walking, running, chatting, pushing carts and going about their daily activities. We watched cars and trucks race past us, and watched a few C-trains pull in to the station. We even stood beside a power scissor lift with construction workers on it while at the station.
Spark has also now attended two agility events. A mini agility trial on Friday night and a club fun day
this afternoon. She had a chance to see what horse barns are all about and watch agility dogs in action. She met tons of people and got lots of cuddles and treats from strangers. She had several opportunities to walk around and explore, and she even offered me some focused attention.
We have had a lot going on with the holidays too. Lots of family visiting. For Spark that means listening to lots of loud conversations, cuddling with children, babies crying and loads more noises she doesn't normally hear. She also visited my sister's house for the first time and met a cat through her kennel door.
We are also working on her obedience skills most days too. Sit, down, stand, wait, front with attention, get into heel position from the left and right side. Spin left and right, circle around a pole, hand targeting and a bit of nosework. We have a lot of exercises we go through in our sessions. But each behaviour is only practised a handful of times. Then we move onto something else. Keeping it light, short and fun. She is slowly staring to get it. Things like sit, touch and front with attention are really clicking with her. But down and the pole work are coming along much slower. I am not worried. That is just how puppies are. Some things make sense right away and others just take time. In the end she will learn them all and many more skills.
Pictures are from this week. There is a short video of Spark playing with a box. She was playing
with this box for probably 15 minutes straight. Then I get the camera and she is bored in 10 seconds! Puppies :)
oh and a quick brag. Strider earned his Expert Steeplechase Bronze award on Friday night for earning 25 Steeplechase Q's.